Bigband piece in the style of Astor Piazolla, written during the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul 2013, hence the title. I wrote this for the Østnorsk Jazzsenter bigband camp for amateur musicians, summer of 2013, and it has since been played by several other ensembles....
Improv piece for wind ensemble and rhytm section (minimum 12 horns, flexible line-up). Suitable for young bands. Commissioned by Stavanger Kulturskole. ...
Improv piece, flexible line-up. Originally composed for Kitchen Orchestra, and named after the giant sleeping volcano of Hawaii’s Big Island. Premiered 2008 with vocals, 6 horns, accordeon and extended rhythm section. ...
6 horns, accordeon, electronics, piano, guitar, bass guitar, double bass and drum set. Written for Kitchen Orchestra, but more of a polyrhytmic piece than an improv piece. Premiered at Tou scene, November 2007.