
The Duos Project is me having duo sessions with a series of artists, playing electro-duo with one person after another, on the locations and in the community where I happen to be right now.

The duos are not just with musicians but also sound artists, dancers, visual artists, directors, anyone who improvise within their artform, who like to experiment. Whatever style, the mindset is most important. Many artists have joined the project, and many more to come.

The project’s sessions, recordings and reflections are published here.

What is the point? It is all about the people. To exchange, to learn, get to know people, to use music to do something good, to reflect what’s going on with people…

Artistically this also is work on developing a performance practise, with questions like for instance “how will my playing and technical setup change with the changing duo-partners?” The project is an incentive to put myself and my performance setup into new situations, to seek out new places and new people, with the goal of discovering new strategies and methods for sound-making.

The rules: We play/improvise together. I myself will use electronics. I will document the session.

There are three types of sessions – 1. Jams that are documented in simple ways, for instance with a zoom recorder. 2. Jams that are documented professionally with multitrack recordings, and could be possible releases 3. Concerts or viewings with an audience

The project was supported by Statens Kunstnerstipend 2016-17.

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