Det Gåtefulle Asketreet

Det Gåtefulle Asketreet Om prosjektet Om du legger øret inntil en trestamme, kan du kanskje høre vannet suse oppover. Om du bryter av en grein, kan du kanskje høre treet skrike. Om du går så stille du kan i skogen, kan du kanskje bruke føttene som ører og lytte til...

Lili Marleen-effekten

Lili Marleen-effekten Imagine the sound of the 1940-ies. In short snapshots. The song Lili Marleen is famous for being unstoppable in crossing borders between countries and languages in a time when the rule was to separate cultures and races.  I am using inspiration...

Story Water

“Story Water” was originally commissioned by Vossajazz in 2012. The premiere was recorded and released as a CD, and toured in Norway. The album was released as a double vinyl in 2016. Line-up: Trym Bjønnes- vocals, guitar Gunhild Seim – trumpet,...

Gunhild Seim & Time Jungle

“Enigmatic and meaningful. Gunhild Seim’s fusion of “jungle music”, free jazz and classical makes her one of the most interesting musicians of our time.” Erling Wicklund, NRK ”Elephant Wings” is an exceptional highlight of European jazz in 2012″ Jazznytt Their...


Chattermark Noise-drone duo Chattermark creates atmospheric soundscapes and walls of sound. Inspirations for the music come from such diverse sources as Sunn 0))), Anthony Pateras and Franz Hautzinger.  Video playlist with 12 videos on YouTube: Chattermark is: John...

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