Audiovisual work, flexible duration. Collaboration between Chattermark and video artist Jon Garcia DePresno. Performed on Chattermark tour 2023. Photo by Sergei Gavrylov, a.k.a. Sergei Haudring from Panda Jazz,...
Commissioned by Kitchen Orchestra, for 18 musicians and electronics. In this piece I use a sound palette of 5 “primary colors” that I call Air, Heart, Distort, Echo and Gliss, in connection to the Alignment line of compositions. In Framhald 5.1. I use these colors...
Visual artist Signe Christine Urdal and composer/musician Gunhild Seim each investigate the relationship between nature and humans in their work. In this short art film they begin their collaboration in the lush Gausel forest in Southwestern Norway over the course of...
This trio piece was developed in collaboration with the musicians Gro Hole Austgulen (violin) and Marius Munthe-Kaas (vibraphone) for the festival Fuglefestival på Ogna 2019. It also contains a sound engineer part, which at the premiere I performed myself. The piece...
“Luj Edalg” is a trio piece developed in collaboration with the project “Nye Stemmer” in Bergen 2019 and musicians Ricardo Odriozola (violin and vocals), John Hegre (guitar and electronics) and Owen Weaver (drums and percussion) for the Avgarde...